Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Language Learning Techniques Series #2: “Hybrid Thinking”

Full mastery of any skill or knowledge requires practice on a daily basis; languages are no exception.  Fortunately, our primary language has been in training since birth, but the same cannot be said for foreign languages.  Complete lingual ability often requires years of effort, but if you hone your skills each day on a constant basis mastery may be achieved in a shorter time.  However, how can you use your time to its maximum ability?  Here is a technique you can utilize for optimum performance:
First, use every second of your time with a technique I dub, “hybrid thinking.”  Throughout the day, try to think (and speak, if you wish) in a compilation of both your primary language and the language you are studying.  I prefer to slowly add vocabulary and grammatical rules as a come across them in my studies.  While this can be tedious at times, such a technique better reinforces common vocabulary and provides an emphasis on thought process in an alien tongue.  Furthermore, this technique can be emphasized by carrying a pocket dictionary and notepad to look up and record the new vocabulary you encounter throughout the day.
While the hybrid thinking is not a method which produces quick results, it provides a constant reinforcement, thus solidifying your language skills for more realistic conversations.

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