Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Language Learning Series #13: Selecting A Dictionary

When learning a foreign language, it is essential that a student has access to a dictionary.  There are many types of dictionaries on the market; however, not all of these unable to effectively assists the student in his or her settings.  Therefore, it is imperative back when selecting a dictionary, you must take into account three factors in order to obtain the most effective material available.

The first consideration when selecting the dictionaries would be its size.  It is recommended that the you choose a pocket- size dictionary; this allows you to carry the book with you so that you may look up various vocabulary encountered throughout the day.  Fortunately, many dictionaries on the market come in a compact size, so procuring one is not difficult.  The only drawback in a small dictionary is the occasional absence of a rare of advanced word.  While this may never be a problem, it is a subject which should be taken into account.

Second, a dictionary must be divided into two sections: translation from the foreign language into English and vice-versa.  This allows for quick accurate reference, and enables you to advance faster in your comprehension.  Once again, most foreign language dictionaries are divided in such a method, so you will not have much trouble in this regard.

Finally, the dictionary must contain a grammar section.  This is of great value, especially in languages containing conjugations.  Be sure to scrutinize your dictionary’s grammar section; the more precise it is, the better for your studies.  Furthermore, another section worth including would be a pronunciation section.  Many languages do not have a speech pattern similar to the phonetics of English; proper pronunciation is nearly as important as vocabulary retention.  On the other hand, while a phrase section can be helpful, is not as important, unless you are travelling overseas.

In conclusion, a dictionary must be as suitable as possible for language learning.  Accessibility and content are of great importance.  Therefore, it is recommended that you take great consideration when selecting your dictionary.  

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